_ The Vampire's Coven: *Updates*

9th of December 1999 M y fan fiction writers have got off their asses and done something! (note: I like to think that I own them but believe me I don't) So I've put some fan fic up and I've been told that more are on their way.
I put something up about Chis Rice (Anne Rice's son) from Time Magazine in the Anne Rice section of the site. I seriously forget which one. I'll find out one day when I muster up the time to search through all the back issues. 
I added a 'u' to Ron Sheuy's name! I didn't realise that I spelt it wrong.

26th of December 1999  I've finally written some decent character profiles. Armand, Lestat and Louis are now available. 
I wrote a summery or blurb of The Vampire Armand

29th of December 1999 Added the 'Affiliations' section to the site. I figured because I've joined so many webrings and banner exchanges I may aswell make a whole neat section for all their pretty graphics.

2nd of January 2000 Added the poem 'Description of a heart that doesn't beat' to the Fan Fiction section of the site.
Joined the Ricean Top 50. You can vote for this site by going to the "Home" section of this site and finding the link to the site at the bottom of the page and clicking on it.
The Vampire's Coven has won an award! Check it out in the 'affiliations' section of the site. 
I've started giving out 'The Vampire's Coven- award of excellence' Soon I'll be putting up sections for the winners of my award.

3rd of January 2000 Fixed up the error on Lestats character profile. Lestat is now 230 years old
Added Marius and Daniel to the character profile section. 
Joined the 'Born To Darkness' webring and added the graphic to the 'affiliations' section of the site.

9th of January 2000 The Interview with the Vampire movie sounds section is temporarily  offline. It's totally stuffed. I'm going to renovate it. So if you desperately want sounds, contact me and I'll email them to you.
If anyone is interested I have Mp3's from the movie which I can't put up on my site because my server won't allow Mp3's. However I'll be happy to share them with anyone who wants them. 
I've decided to renovate my whole site. I'm focusing particularly on the Interview with the Vampire section because it sux. I'll still keep the site running, all the pages will still be there....I just think that the site needs a re-vamp (uummm....no pun intended :)...) I'm hoping to finish the construction in about 3 weeks (fingers crossed).
31st of January 2000 If you would like to link to my site, I've made some banners.
I still haven't finished fixing up the site... actually I haven't really started because school starts up again and I'm short on time... But it'll happen! and I'm hoping to move some of my site over to darksites.com.




This page last modified 31-1-00 
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